
Monday, April 5, 2010

Giant Eagle Nestle Choc Chips $1.16 each with coupon and cashback

This week Giant Eagle has a 'Buy $10 worth and get $2 off' for their Nestle Toll House Choc Chips, which also happen to be on sale at $2 each. I had a couple of $1 off 2 Nestle Choc Chip coupons and thought this would be a good time to use them :)

Question of the week
Did I need to buy $10 worth of choc chips before or after my $1 off coupons were applied? I asked

Zone Perfect Bars for 9 cents each with double $0.55 coupons

Zone Perfect bars are selling for $1.20 each at my Giant Eagle. I had 20 coupons for $0.55 off one bar or one box of these yummy low-carb Atkin-friendly treats. Giant Eagle doubles coupons up to $0.99, so each coupon doubled to $1.10.

Price after coupon = $1.20 - $1.10 = $0.10 each bar
Cost for 20 bars = $2

Plus I was on a big